09 mayo 2021

Nuevos representantes oficiales internacionales de IPM en Asia

Desde la INTERNATIONAL MARTIAL ARTS UNION IPM e IPSA damos la bienvenida a nuestras organizaciones a los maestros Jalal Omidi Masouleh y Soulmaz Omidi Masouleh, como Representantes Oficiales para IRÁN y ASIA de Ia INTERNATIONAL POLICE & MILITARY (IPM) y de la INTERNATIONAL POLICE AND SECURITY ASSOCIATION (IPSA). 

From the INTERNATIONAL MARTIAL ARTS UNION IPM and IPSA we welcome to our organizations the teachers Jalal Omidi Masouleh and Soulmaz Omidi Masouleh, as Official Representatives for IRAN and ASIA of the INTERNATIONAL POLICE & MILITARY (IPM) and the INTERNATIONAL POLICE AND SECURITY ASSOCIATION (IPSA).

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